Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Christians view of War and Bloodshed

By L.Lenin.G.Zapata

As Christian one looks to Jesus, The Cornerstone or Founder of Christianity, to set the standard with respect to war and blood-shed. So, we should ask our selfs, how did Christ, the Prince of Peace, regard the bloodshed that erupted in Christendom when World War-I, and later World War-II, got started?

When Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists and Muslims slaughter each other, are they acting in harmony with the God who
“made out of one man, every nation of men”? (Act17:26) Let’s consider Jesus example.

Shortly after He had instituted the Memorial of his death, solders from the chief Priest went to arrest him, Peter taking his sword struck the ear off, the slave of the high priest. No doubt, many of us would have consider it a noble thing to fight on behalf of the son of God, but how did Jesus feel, about the course of action that Peter took?  Please Read (Matthew 26:52)

In Matthew we read that Jesus made it clear that his disciples are not to resort to weapons of physical warfare. This was in line with what He told his Apostles earlier that evening, it was in harmony with what he prayed to his Father and what he later told Pilate: That, Like Him, His KINGDOM and His Followers are
“no part of the world”. What did Jesus Imply buy that ?  Please read (Isaiah 2:2-4)

Here in Isaiah, we read a glorious vision of harmony and peace for people of all races. But for this vision to become a reality, people have to do something from their part.

First, acknowledge that Jehovah‘s, “ways” , are higher than ours.’ Or better said higher then any Human Government.

Second, we note the desire of individuals to conform to God’s laws, when we read : “We will walk in his paths.”  

It Is, interesting too note, how the prophet Micah under divine inspiration in chapter 4: quotes the words of the prophet Isaiah and in verse 5 he says how “ peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, shall walk in the name of Jehovah . There the prophet identifies two groups of people that exists in this world, with that in mind.

( Commentators have noted that nationalism, in effect, is a religion.)
“Nationalism, viewed as a religion, has much in common with other great religious systems of the past . . . On his own national god the modern religious nationalist is conscious of dependence. Of His powerful help he feels the need. In Him he recognises the source of his own perfection and happiness. To Him, in a strictly religious sense, he subjects himself. . . . The nation is conceived of as eternal, and the deaths of her loyal sons do but add to her undying fame and glory.”—Carlton J. F. Hayes, as quoted on page 359 of the book What Americans Believe and How They Worship, by J. Paul Williams. 

 So, how can such a longed-for goal for True Peace ever be attained? Well all we have to do is look at the examples of Christ and his true follower and we will see that: through out history in every nation and under all circumstances true Christians have endeavored to maintain complete neutrality as to conflicts between factions of the world.(rs)1989

You see, the, True, student of the Bible faces the fact that lasting peace will never come by human efforts alone. HE, acknowledges that something greater is needed, Jehovah’s Kingdom, through Christ. ( Hence, why Jesus taught us to prey "Thy Kingdom Come" on earth as it is in Heaven.)  

So, as one continue to conform to God‘s laws, one, will meet up with many pressures from a violent world. How should  one cope with situations that may arise? Please Read (2Corinthians 10:3,4)

So, just like the Apostle Poul then, what should "TRUE FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST" consider their weapons of war-fare?

For that, "A True Chritian" would have to, turn to the counsel, of “Jesus“
him self. Please Read (Luke 6:27,28)

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