Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Is it true that there is good in all religions?

by L. Lenin G. Zapata
Most religions do teach that a person should not lie or steal. But, is that sufficient?
Would you be happy to drink a glass of poisoned water because someone assured you that most of what you were getting was water? Of course not!
A similar situation arises with regard to religion.

The Bible teaches that such worship is contaminated. And cautions us that not everything that originates with Satan may appear hideous. One of his chief methods of deceiving mankind has been false religion of all kinds, to some of which he gives a righteous appearance.READ - 2Cor. 11:14,15
No doubt many religious groups include sincere people who want to please God. That is why, it is important for them just like us to get out completely from "Babylon the Great," with its unclean teachings and practices. Why?READ - Revelation 18:2,                                                     

As we can see friends, here the Scriptures clearly tells us that false religion is being exposed for what she truly is; a dwelling place of demons".
So, what does Jehovah want for those with a sincere heart?- READ - Revelation 18:4.
Now is getting out of "Babylon the Great", with its unclean teachings and practices enough? Or is there something more?

In 2Tim. 3:2,5 Paul says that; "Men will be. . . .having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; then he highlights; and from these turn away."
So, regardless of their outward professions of love for God, if those who, do not sincerely apply his Word in their own lives, the Bible urges us to break off such association. READ - 2 Cor.6:14-17

So, are we going to exchange our fellowship of righteousness for lawlessness? True light for darkness? Are we going to exchange our fellowship of faith and worship of the living GOD in spirit and in truth, for Satan's lie? How! How can we exchange one for the other?
By association with these individuals. You see friends, these could easily be our schoolmates, co-workers, neighbors or even family members who refuse to be known by Jehovah.
So, is it true that there is good in all religions? Jehovah doesn’t think so, should we?







Jesus Was Accepted as the Messiah

by L. Lenin G. Zapata

Read (Luke 24:44) -The historical evidence found in the Gospels demonstrates that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. Persons in the first century, who were in position to question the witnesses and examine the evidence, accepted the historical information as authentic.
They were so sure of its accuracy that they were willing to endure persecution and die on behalf of their faith based on that assured information.

The historical Gospel records show that various individuals openly acknowledged that Jesus was the Christ. Read (John 1:41,45,49)

On occasion, Jesus admitted being the Christ, as in the case of the Samaritan woman. In John 4:26 Jesus said to her: " I am he, the one speaking to you "

In light of the scriptures, we can appreciate, the words of The Apostle Peter recorded at 2Peter 1:19 : "we have the prophetic word made more sure"

Why! Why would Peter say this? Read 2Peter 1:16

Here, we see that, Peters believe was on a solid basis of evidence, his faith was founded on his own eyewitness account of the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures and how they were fulfil in Jesus.
 Lets now take a look at three Prophecies from the Hebrew Scriptures and see how they were fulfil in Jesus.

1) King and son of David. It was commonly accepted among the Jews that the Messiah would be a king of the line of David. When the astrologers asked about "the one born king of the Jews," Herod knew that they were asking about "the Christ." (Mt 2:2-4)

2) Born in Bethlehem. Micah 5:2, 4 had indicated that out of Bethlehem would come one to be "ruler in Israel" who would "be great as far as the ends of the earth." This was understood to refer to the Messiah. When Herod asked the chief priests and scribes where the Messiah was to be born, they answered, "In Bethlehem of Judea," (Mt 2:3-6).

3) A prophet who would perform many signs. De 18:18 Through Moses, God had foretold the coming of a great prophet. In Jesus’ day Jews were waiting for this one. (John 6:14) People expected the Messiah to perform many signs and he did.John 7:31.

 Yes friends, the Gospel record of who Jesus was and did has been provided along side the Hebrew Scriptures, which supply abundant information about what he would do, so that individuals may know and believe that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. The evidence is clear. Read John 20:31